12 Simple and Easy Ways to Deal with Stress

Stress relief techniques/ Stress relieving ways:

Subrat Das

                Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash                                        

What is Stress?

Stress occurs when you feel that you are not able to cope with the demands of certain life events, these events may be positive or negative. These demands can come from your job, financial pressures, relationships, and other situations.

Stress is your response to a change in your environment. Your body reacts to change such as suffering an unexpected loss, starting a new job - with physical, mental, and emotional responses.

Types of Stress and Effects of stress:

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), USA, recognizes two types of stress: acute and chronic.

Acute stress is short-term and is a more common form of stress. For example, you may feel stressed about an upcoming deadline or a recent argument with somebody. The stress will be reduced or disappeared once you resolve the argument or meet the deadline. Damages caused by acute stress is less compared with long-term chronic stress. Acute stress effects include headache, an upset stomach, or a moderate amount of distress which are short-term.

Chronic stress is long-term and more harmful. Untreated chronic stress can result in serious health conditions and can prevent you from living a normal life. It can contribute to physical illness including high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory problems, and obesity, etc.

Symptoms of Stress:

Effects of stress can include

- Pain in the neck or chest

- Headache

- Sweating

- Anger

- Fatigue

- Restlessness

- Social withdrawal

- Frequent crying

Causes of Stress:

1.Health: Diagnosis of a new disease, aging, complications from the current illness, and negative symptoms can increase stress. Your health problem or health problem of someone close to you can increase your stress level.

2.Relationship: Arguments with a spouse, parent, or child can increase your stress level.

3.Life Changes: Death of a loved one, loss of a job, moving to a new house are examples of big changes that can be stressful.

4.Financial Obligations: In this society where so much emphasis is on what you have and what you can afford, financial stress is something anyone can relate to. Inability to pay your bills, inability to provide for a family, or not being able to make ends meet can put a serious amount of stress on a person.

5.Job: Pressure and conflict from a job situation can be a major source of stress for many people.

6.Emotional Problems: Needing but not being able to express your emotions can be very stressful.

Stress relief techniques/ Stress relieving ways:

Everyone is different so are the ways to manage stress. Some people like soothing stress relief music, creating art, etc. Some others like mediation, yoga, chanting some mantras, walking, watching nature, etc.

There are many stress management techniques and ways to deal with stress. Here are some best and easy ways to deal with stress.

1.Set realistic goals: One way to cope with stress is to set realistic goals. If you set some unrealistic goal which is way beyond your normal capacity, it can be stressful.

2. Preparing Well: Preparing well for things that you know maybe stressful such an interview or a speech can be helpful.

3.Stress relief through breathing exercises and mindfulness: Deep breathing and some other breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, stress relief meditations, stress relief yoga postures and exercises for stress relief, finding some time alone at least a few minutes every day can help reduce stress. Breathing exercises and Yoga should be practiced under expert guidance.

4. Writing your emotions: Writing your thoughts and emotions, writing what you are stressed about may be a great way of dealing with stress. Sometimes writing about a difficult situation or problem that bothers you can help to find clarity about a situation or solution to a problem.

5. Laughing: Laughing brings you into the brighter side of your life. Reading some jokes, watching some comedy episodes can be relaxing.

6. Taking proper care of your health: Eating a healthy and balanced diet, getting plenty of rest, maintaining good sleeping patterns will allow you to feel more relaxed and can help you to manage stress better.

7.Set your priority: It will be helpful to spend some time on preparing a daily to-do list and focusing on urgent and time-bound tasks. Living things till the last minute can be stressful.

8.Sharing: You can obtain support from your family, friends, and work colleagues by sharing your feelings and concerns with them. Sharing a problem often enables it to become less stressful and sometimes you may get some unexpected and workable solutions to your problem.

9. Decluttering: Simplifying and removing clutter from your life can be helpful.

10. Living in the present: Taking one day at a time and living in the present helps to avoid stress. The vast majority of what we worry about does not happen.

11.Stress relief games: Play a game or do a crossword. Activities like these allow you to shift your focus away from whatever is stressing you. Some online games can help to reduce stress.

12. Stress relief products and Stress management courses: You can buy and use some stress relief products like Soft gel stress relief ball, Stress relief cube, can do some Stress management courses, etc. available online.

These are some lifestyle measures to manage and prevent stress. You can also develop your stress management techniques by using self-help books and online resources. However, if you are suffering from chronic stress and it is affecting your daily life you should seek medical assistance and professional help.

About the Author

Subrat Das, B.com (Honours), MBA(Finance), is an experienced Finance and General Management   Professional worked in Managerial positions in reputed media houses and other industries. Inspired to write on Life, Hope, Self-help, Education, Mind, Spirituality that may be helpful to people of all ages to live a better life.

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  1. Absolutely true. People those who live in present, don't think about the future and don't remember their past live a stressless life. But this is not possible.


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