How To Practice Gratitude and Increase Your Happiness

Read on for Ways to Practice Gratitude , Benefits of Practicing Gratitude. Subrat Das Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash W e are experiencing the worst pandemic right now and passing through an unprecedented time. Economies are struggling to keep up, social distancing, quarantine, lock-down, shutdown have become new normal. Even in these tough times when you feel doubtful, stressed, frustrated, and scared you can find your blessings if you look for them. Maybe you are blessed to have a roof over your head, maybe you are blessed to have your family, near and dear ones with you. Maybe you are safe at your home and blessed to have a job where you can work from home when millions of people are losing their livelihood due to deadly pandemic. When you think about all these things once you took for granted you will realize that there is a lot of things to feel grateful for, which will make you fe...